/* Adsense */ /*Slut Adsense */ Electric Vehicles, Toyota and others: september 2019

söndag 15 september 2019

Sept 2019 issue of Consumer Reports

Comparing Chevrolet Bolt, BMW i3, Hyudai Kona Electric, Tesla Model 3 and Nissan Leaf.

The BMW i3 get best rating for reliability.

lördag 14 september 2019

lördag 7 september 2019

Toyota Prius 2006 battery cell replacement

Looks pretty simple to change cell on the Second generation Prius.

Change Bad Cell On Toyota Prius 2006 HV Battery hybrid

240 VDC battery, so be careful.

Can you sleep in a BMW i3, summer camp?

Yes, if you are not too long. Report says that if you are less than 179 cm you can sleep diagonal in your car. Ready for summer camping in B...