/* Adsense */ /*Slut Adsense */ Electric Vehicles, Toyota and others: Nissan Leaf
Visar inlägg med etikett Nissan Leaf. Visa alla inlägg
Visar inlägg med etikett Nissan Leaf. Visa alla inlägg

tisdag 28 september 2021

Extender battery installation on Nissan Leaf


EV mods: preparing the Leaf for an extender battery


EV Mods: installing my first extender battery


EV Mods: Extending my extender + range test!


fredag 30 oktober 2020

Uppgradera batteri på en Nissan Leaf

 Vid byte av batteri på

Nissan Leaf. Det sitter en annnan kontrollkontakt på de äldre Nissan Leaf. Om du kan undvik dessa

ZE0 (2011-2013) has 22-pin and needs adapter

AZEO (2013-2017) already has 36-pin and will accept any battery.

söndag 26 januari 2020

Nissan Leaf High Voltage Battery Upgrades Made Easy

Replacing a 65% battery on a 2012 Nissan Leaf to a 30kWh at 94 %.

This is how you do it.
Great Video from EVs Enhanced.

You can see some difference between the two generational batteries. The video explains it.

lördag 18 januari 2020

Nissan Leaf battery from 2012 disassembled

Nissan Leaf battery from 2012:

The case contains 48x8V batteries (in series gives 384volts) and weighs 650 pounds.

Anything in orange can harm you.

lördag 16 november 2019

Artikel om hur batteristatus avgör köp

BMW I3 Rex vs Nissan Leaf vs Renault Zoe

Foto Björn H.
Verkar vara från tidningen Motor.

Längre ner i texten framgår det att ytterst få batterier har fått bytas ut.

fredag 11 oktober 2019

Nissan Leaf charging problem in colder climates

Nissan does not have a thermal system handling the cold in their cars. Not even on the 2019 models. This is problematic in areas of cold weather when charging them. Charing cold batteries reduces the SEI layer.
Tesla on the other hand has a thermal system, heating pump, glycol between the batteries, warming the batteries when too cold for charging them (making it doable). (Source video below).

About the SEI layer
"The cell’s solid electrolyte interface (SEI) layer formation is a necessary part of the initialization process of the battery during the first charging cycles. The SEI layer protects the electrolyte material from further depletion and protects the charged anode from corrosion (the anode material reacts with the electrolyte material) [36]." - https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/12/5/946/pdf

Check out this video around  8:00 minutes in:

They also dont have any cooling for their batteries, so the batteries get hot when fast-charging..

Source: https://www.mestmotor.se/automotorsport/artiklar/nyheter/20180331/nya-siffror-nissan-leaf-tappar-en-hel-del-batterikapacitet-efter-bara-tva-ar/?fbclid=IwAR2rGbTldOTysAZb9jWXAqYkJgP9VtsoEe6xhM_VQ4USH9U2R1ZfB5JEr6A
----------------------  --------------
This is the same for Li-Ion as for LiFeP04.

Battleborn Battery CEO Interview! LiFePO4 Low-temp Charging, Storage, Longevity and so much more

---------------------- More about Nissan Leaf batteries and charging temperatures ----------


2018 Leaf EV vs 2017 Bolt EV - Expected Li-Ion Battery Life

söndag 15 september 2019

Sept 2019 issue of Consumer Reports

Comparing Chevrolet Bolt, BMW i3, Hyudai Kona Electric, Tesla Model 3 and Nissan Leaf.

The BMW i3 get best rating for reliability.

Can you sleep in a BMW i3, summer camp?

Yes, if you are not too long. Report says that if you are less than 179 cm you can sleep diagonal in your car. Ready for summer camping in B...