/* Adsense */ /*Slut Adsense */ Electric Vehicles, Toyota and others

söndag 19 januari 2020

Volvo XC40 Recharge

Volvo XC40 Recharge about the hit the market

Some specifications

0-60mph: 4.7sec

Long range: +200miles

Charge with 150 kW charger: ~80% charged takes about 40min
Power: 402hp

Towing capabilities
 2,000 lb towing. No carbon emissions while driving.

Volvo XC40 Recharge (räckvidd ca 35-40 mil), Pris: ca 700 tusen..
Jämför Tomvikt:
Volvo XC40 Recharge: 2150 kg
Tesla Model 3 Dual motor: 1847 kg
Polestar 2: 1900 kg

We have committed to a very bold transformation. We’re going to electrify this company faster than our competitors and we have said; in 2025 half of our cars should be all electric. The other half should be hybrid.” - Håkan Samuelsson, President & CEO of Volvo Cars

lördag 18 januari 2020

Nissan Leaf battery from 2012 disassembled

Nissan Leaf battery from 2012:

The case contains 48x8V batteries (in series gives 384volts) and weighs 650 pounds.

Anything in orange can harm you.

fredag 17 januari 2020

Volkswagen e-golf cut through pictures

Photos from Martin Freuchen‎

 Looks like there is a lot of available space for more batteries.

Volkswagen e-golf cut through pictures
Volkswagen e-golf cut through pictures
Battery is below rear seat? 
This is part of the front battery.

100 kW or 136 horses.

Go for a 2017 or earlier with a 35.8kwh battery and 201km of autonomy. The 2016 has a 24kwh battery, so only 130km... and less power.

No mechanical or electrical changes since 2017... only cosmetics

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This is how battery looks like:

Photo from Arunas B who sells these.
Seems to mounted from the underside, the same as BMW i3 and Nissan Leaf.

Listing price 2020-01-19
2016: 24,2 Kw price 2500-3000 eu.
2019: 35,8 Kw -price 4500 eu

lördag 7 december 2019

Loading beer into a BMW i3

Cargoroom in BMW i3

‎Troy is loading up the BMW i3. 99 cans box fits perfectly with room to spare.

Photos from ‎Troy F.

fredag 22 november 2019

BMW i3 rear teardown

Removing rear panels

Fabian B is removing rear bumber to install rear-view-camera on a BMW i3. It's pretty interesting to see how it looks under the panels.

Photos by Fabian B.

Photo: G. Erglis

lördag 16 november 2019

Laddare för elbil vid Liseberg / Parkering

Finns nu fina elbilsladdare vid Liseberg. Tack Christian för info!

"20 fräscha laddare vid parkering Liseberg! Gillar uppställningen. Kan alltså ladda 40 bilar samtidigt. Riktigt bra och känns även som ett hyfsat pris. 34 kr/Tim inkl. laddning. Jag stod här i 3 h och laddade ca 20 kWh. Blir ju ca 7 kW i effekt. Stod ingenstans om effekt så jag vet inte om den sänks om man delar på en laddare. Men säkringarna per laddare var 63 A så det bådar gott." - Christian J.

Foto: Christian J.

New Chargers at the amusement park Liseberg.
New Chargers at the amusement park Liseberg.
Nissan Leaf charing for 3 hours, getting about 20 kWh. Price 34 SEK / Hour

Foto Christoffer N.

"Funkade mycket bra. Bilen var varm och fulladdad vid hemfärd."

Artikel om hur batteristatus avgör köp

BMW I3 Rex vs Nissan Leaf vs Renault Zoe

Foto Björn H.
Verkar vara från tidningen Motor.

Längre ner i texten framgår det att ytterst få batterier har fått bytas ut.

Can you sleep in a BMW i3, summer camp?

Yes, if you are not too long. Report says that if you are less than 179 cm you can sleep diagonal in your car. Ready for summer camping in B...